
From Lolibrary Wiki
Accessories (Item Category)
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This category is a catchall for small add on items which are not considered jewelry or hair accessories. This includes wrist cuffs which are shirt sleeve cuffs, typically made of gathered lace, which can be worn to lengthen sleeves, or alone as bracelets. Rosettes, which are round pins typically featuring a central motif surrounded by wide ribbon, are also included in this item category.

This category also includes belts, scarves, detachable jabots (a frill worn at the neck of a blouse), detachable collars and tippets (between a collar and scarf in size, made of fur or faux fur), gloves, handkerchiefs, stoles/shawls, watches, ties, corsages, phone/bag charms, eye patches, can badges, bow pins, garters, écharpes/sashes, and more. Some jewelry is also filed here, however, jewelry typically belongs under the jewelry item type.

Common/Relevant Features

Please note that patterns, fabric types, and motifs can and should be tagged for accessories, but the "Solid" tag is reserved for main pieces (JSKs, OPs, skirts, etc).

Accessories should be tagged with their specific item types whenever possible.
