Bloomers / Undergarments

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Bloomers/Undergarments (Item Category)
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Bloomers are puffy shorts worn under a dress or skirt as an undergarment for modesty. Bloomers are worn over underwear and tights, but under the petticoat. They typically have an elastic or drawstring waist and legs. Shorter bloomers that end mid thigh are made not to be seen, while longer bloomers that end closer to the knee often have fancy ruffles and are designed to stick out of the bottom of a skirt.

Common/Relevant Features

Please note that patterns, fabric types, and motifs can and should be tagged for bloomers, but the "Solid" tag is reserved for main pieces (JSKs, OPs, skirts, etc).

  • Full shirring
  • Elasticized Cuffs
  • Lining
