Candy's Diner

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Candy's Diner is a Japanese indie accessories brand started by Candy, the former Angelic Pretty Tokyo Shop manager[1], who was known for her creative work on the Angelic Pretty catalogs[2], shop windows and flat lay arrangements during her 20 years with the brand.[3]

Candy's Diner
Candy Collab Logo.jpg
No. of locations0
Current statusActive
Lolibrary Link


The brand is known for using lots of red x pink, retro American diner inspiration, and western candy/sweets.

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Notable Figures

Candy - Designer & Founder

Characters & Design Motifs

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Locations/Sales Model

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Shop List

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External Distributors

Shop Country Address Status Socials
Store 1 Country 1 Test Address 1 Test Status 1 Test Socials 1
Store 2 Country 2 Test Address 2 Test Status 2 Test Socials 2
Store 3 Country 3 Test Address 3 Test Status 3 Test Socials 3



  1. "Ap Candy". Twitter.
  2. Angelic Pretty Spring / Summer 2010 Catalog. Angelic Pretty. 2010.
  3. "Retiring from AP after 20 years". Tiwtter.

External links