Larmes de Angel

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Larmes de Angel
No. of locations1 past location
Founder(s)Me, Kikyo
Current statusClosed
Lolibrary Link

Lames de Angel is a Japanese lolita indie brand known for making high quality bags and shoes in the early 2000s. They should not be confused with the Chinese indie brand, Larmes d'Anges, which is unrelated.


At launch, the brand described their brand concept as:[1]

Lames de Angel is a company founded for people who think cute things are cute. Lames de Angel would like to deliver products with the following concept:

~Standard of High Quality~

Lames de Angel's product quality is to provide the standard of high quality. Lolita brand items are expensive, so it can't be helped, but I would like to provide convincing products at a convincing price.

~Single number~

Up to 9 items of the same Lames de Angel marked as single item number. We do not produce additional copies of the same design.

~ Direct sales via the Internet ~

Lames de Angel products will only be sold directly via the Internet for the time being. There are no plans to sell over the counter at this time. By limiting sales channels to direct sales via the Internet, we will be able to quickly announce products.

~E-mail support~

Lames de Angel product support is limited to e-mail and the BBS. In addition to providing detailed and prompt support via e-mail, we will provide our customers with products at lower prices through thorough cost reductions.

~Prompt reflection of user opinions through membership-based BBS~

We would like to utilize the opinions of users regarding our company and our products in company management, product improvement, and product planning through the membership-based BBS by members of Larmes de Angel. We will strive to improve customer satisfaction through detailed communication between the company and designers and members through BBS and email.

The brand concept was updated in 2003 to be:[2]

Lames de Angel is a company founded for people who think cute things are cute regardless of what society things. Lames de Angel would like to deliver products with the following concept:

~Let's Provide Quality by Default~

Lames de Angel's product quality is to provide quality items by default, an avoid items like

・Bags that do not prevent fraying at the cuts of the leather of the BAG

・Bags that emphasize cost and do not even finish the seams

・Heavy and tiring shoes made without understanding the characteristics of the material / Shoes that cannot be worn

・Accessories that use a lot of materials such as zinc and nickel that melt with sweat and damage the skin

・Clothes that ignore the movement of the human body and are tiring just by wearing them

・Clothes with broken silhouettes that ignore the direction of the cloth

・A hat with a ribbon that cannot be used.

Based on the experience of purchasing and using such products as a customer in the past, when planning and developing our products, we try to solve all dissatisfaction with existing products. The minimum condition that we want to keep with our products is to provide products with the "quality that was taken for granted in the past" that we didn't encounter with things we bought elsewhere. On top of that, we would like to realize that we can offer it at a price that is reasonable.

~Pursue Product Value~

At Lames de Angel, before a single product is offered to a customer, it must pass a meeting called "Product Examination" held within our company. In this meeting, we will not release products unless we absolutely meet two conditions:

・We will not release products if they are offered by other companies ・We will not release products unless the employees themselves want them. Taking the products released in 2002 as an example, the concept was to make a playing card tote bag that was not mass-produced, and the concept was to provide hats and silver accessories at low prices without sacrificing quality. In the future, the minimum requirements for our products will be those that cannot be provided by other companies. In order to realize the above concept, Larmes de Angel has the following restrictions for customers. ☆ Limited to a maximum of 9 items of the same

Lames de Angel, which are described as small-lot production single numbers represented by single numbers. We do not produce additional copies of the same design. Basically, we do not manufacture exactly the same product in excess of the initially determined production volume.

☆Reduction of indirect costs through direct sales via the Internet In fiscal year 2003 as well, Lames de Angel's products will mainly be sold directly via the Internet. This will reduce indirect costs and aim to sell at lower prices. In addition, we will realize prompt product announcements via the Internet and capture user requests such as limited color sales, which was partially realized in the case of our ribbon shoes. ☆E-mail support Product support for Lames de Angel is limited to e-mail and BBS. In addition to providing detailed and prompt support via email, we will provide our customers with products at lower prices through thorough cost reductions. ~ Let's reflect the voice of the customer in the product ~

In 2003, based on reflections on 2002, we would like to realize the following. ☆ Let's take as many voices of customers obtained from over-the-counter sales as possible. In the future, we would like to emphasize over-the-counter sales as a place where customers can actually touch the products, and also as a place where customers can give their opinions. ☆Implementation of a membership system

I would like to start a membership system for Lames de Angel, which was planned in 2002. We would like to give something back to our customers who have patronized our company, so we have started a point system, and at the same time, we would like to make use of user opinions regarding our company and our products in company management, product improvement, and product planning.


Lames de Angel launched online in 2002[3] with the goal of producing small batches of high quality items after they had multiple bad experiences with poor quality items.[1][2] The brand used the tag line "Web Shopping Site for All Pure Angel" for their webshop.[4] In 2003 they got a liscence to produce Alice in Wonderland goods.[5] In 2004 they posted a notice that the stand alone shop would close on August 31st 2004 due to one of their designers studying abroad. The site stayed up about a year or so after this with no updates.[6]

Notable Figures

Me - "Light" Designer. The name "me" is both a word for "I" and a nickname for the designer's name. Their design concept is to fix something they have been dissatisfied with during their relatively long Lolita career. To do things they always thought about like: "it would be nice if I could do this". The designer name "me" has the idea of designing "what I want to wear, what I want to wear".[7]

Kikyo (桔梗) - "Left" Designer. Kikyo's design is based on the concept of transforming from formal wear. She had a long working experience and was in an environment where she had to wear so-called OL fashion no matter what. She wrote that she would like to pursue a design that can be transformed into a Lolita in a short time from a fashion that can be worn in an office. Kikyo was listed as a designer at the start of 2003, but by the end of the year she had been removed from the designer's page.[7][4]

Characters & Design Motifs

This section is incomplete, you can help it by adding information about: Mascots, common/original design elements

Locations/Sales Model

Lames de Angel launched online in 2002[3] Initially they only sold their items online, but later they were stocked at Angelic Pretty[8] and Flasco. They also opened a small atelier shop.[9] Later they were also carried at APOLOGY.[10]

Shop List

This section is incomplete, you can help it by adding information about: shops. Intro text in this area is optional.

Directly Managed Shops

Shop Country Address Status Socials
Store 1 Country 1 Test Address 1 Test Status 1 Test Socials 1
Store 2 Country 2 Test Address 2 Test Status 2 Test Socials 2
Store 3 Country 3 Test Address 3 Test Status 3 Test Socials 3

External Distributors

Shop Country Address Status Socials
Store 1 Country 1 Test Address 1 Test Status 1 Test Socials 1
Store 2 Country 2 Test Address 2 Test Status 2 Test Socials 2
Store 3 Country 3 Test Address 3 Test Status 3 Test Socials 3

Tips for Identifying Pieces

As always, we recommend searching Lolibrary first both by item number and by any relevant tags/features. If neither of these bring up the item, the following are some tips for researching the mystery item, though you are always welcome to ask for assistance in the Lolibrary Discord, or the EGL Research Center or What is that dress? Facebook groups as well.



  1. 1.0 1.1 "Brand Concept". Larmes de Angel.
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Brand Concept (2003)". Larmes de Angel.
  3. 3.0 3.1 "From Designer". Larmes de Angel.
  4. 4.0 4.1 "Designers (2003)". Larmes de Angel.
  5. "Alice".
  6. "Closure Notice". Larmes de Angel.
  7. 7.0 7.1 "Designers". Larmes de Angel.
  8. "Notice (2002)". Angelic Pretty.
  9. "Shop". Larmes de Angel.
  10. "Homepage (2004)". Larmes de Angel.

External links