
From Lolibrary Wiki

Hello, I'm Raine Dragon. I am lolibrary user 255, and I joined lolibrary in autumn of 2010, if my account timestamp in the wayback machine and my math are both right, because heaven only knows my memory of when events took place is garbage. I joined the lolibrary contributor's facebook group when it was created on October 26, 2011, so sometime between fall of 2010 and fall of 2011 is when I started contributing? That means it's been 10 years, which is wild to think about. I don't remember what my first entry was. My specialty is researching old mystery items. I collect magazines and catalogs and other physical media resources. I spend a lot of my lolibrary time embellishing existing entries by adding photos / details though I do add some new entries. (As of December 23rd, 2021, I've only made 3,398 of our 72,116 entries, which at about 4.7%, is pretty small compared to some of the dedicated lolibrarians who make new item entries for specific brands! Who are phenomenal people, BTW. Like absolutely, hands down awesome people. I have so much awe and respect for them.).

Lately, I have been the one who will create new tags / brands, post content to our FB page, and I've been one of the lolibrarians working on writing the base content for the launch of this wiki.

I blog over at and I'm one of the administrators for Lolita Updates on facebook. I also moonlight as a rufflechat mod when they need extra help (I was a fully time rufflechat mod in the past...).

My favorite brands are Innocent World and Angelic Pretty. My current research passions are Emily Temple Cute and Cornet. I love helping to ID mystery items, but I hate being asked to identify all black items because they all look the same to me. My nightmare is being given a pile of Boz and being asked to identify it live in person.