To Alice

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Revision as of 21:35, 18 June 2024 by Sage-blossom (talk | contribs) ('Tips for Identifying Pieces' section)
To Alice
Current statusActive
Lolibrary Link

To Alice is a Chinese sweet lolita and street fashion brand with a wide selection of inexpensive releases, that has expanded to find success in the Japanese and Western markets.


Text here [1]

Brand concept/statement or other designer quote.

Sub-Labels (optional)

This section is incomplete, you can help it by adding information about: sub-labels. Use images for each if possible


This section is incomplete, you can help it by adding information about: Brand History

Notable Figures

This section is incomplete, you can help it by adding information about: Designers, models, common collaborations, etc

Characters & Design Motifs

This section is incomplete, you can help it by adding information about: Mascots, common/original design elements

Locations/Sales Model

This section is incomplete, you can help it by adding information about: Locations/Sales models

Shop List

This section is incomplete, you can help it by adding information about: shops. Intro text in this area is optional.

Directly Managed Shops

Shop Country Address Status Socials
Harajuku Japan Test Address 1 Closed (2016-2021) toalicehj
Store 2 Country 2 Test Address 2 Test Status 2 Test Socials 2

External Distributors

Shop Country Address Status Socials
Store 1 Country 1 Test Address 1 Test Status 1 Test Socials 1
Store 2 Country 2 Test Address 2 Test Status 2 Test Socials 2
Store 3 Country 3 Test Address 3 Test Status 3 Test Socials 3

Tips for Identifying Pieces

As always, we recommend searching Lolibrary first both by item number and by any relevant tags/features. If neither of these bring up the item, the following are some tips for researching the mystery item, though you are always welcome to ask for assistance in the Lolibrary Discord, or the EGL Research Center or What is that dress? Facebook groups as well.

  • New releases from 2017-Present are typically introduced on their Twitter:



  1. Reference here

External links