Lolibrary Entries: Submitting for Review

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So you have finished creating one or more lolibrary entries and are ready to show them off on the site: all you'll need to do is submit them for review! This page will explain how to go about doing so, plus some quick tips to ensure your contributions are uploaded as smoothly as possible.

Entry Self-Review

First, do a quick review of your entries and make sure you filled out:

  1. Foreign Name - This is the original non-english name of the item, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, French… whatever the original language of the brand is, put the name they used for the item here. If you are working from a reseller shop, feel free to post in the item identification or junior help channels on discord for help finding this information.
  2. Price (if it was available)
  3. Year (if it was available); this may not be evident at first glance, but is an important component of entries, so do your best to search brand socials or nearby item numbers to determine year as best as possible.
  4. Brand - If it’s an indie brand, make sure the brand name is the first part of the item name with a ~ or - between the brand name and item name (ex: Belladonna ~ Ode to Darwin OP)
  5. Tags / Features! People commonly miss
    1. Features: Sleeve length & cuff type
    2. Feature: Shirring - either one of the shirring tags, or no shirring
    3. Tag: Solid - for main pieces that are non print
    4. Tag: Partial - If key information like the item name, year or all the pictures are missing
    5. Tag: Incomplete Colorways - If you don’t have pictures of some of the colorways
  6. Measurements should be included down in the attributes section. This only becomes available once you have saved your progress via the initial "Create Item" button at the bottom of the entry creation page and may be easily overlooked initially.

Entry Submission

Step 1: Go to the items section of the admin panel/contributor dashboard.
Step 2: Select “My Drafts” from the filter drop down

SubmitReview1.png Note: These screencaps were taken from an admin dashboard, so certain aspects may look slightly different from your what you see on your own.

Step 3: Check the boxes on the left next to any items that are ready to be submitted for publishing


Step 4: Click on select action on the left and then select “Pending Item”


Step 5: Press the “play” / “run action” button to submit the items


All done!

An admin will now briefly review the items before posting. We may make minor changes like adding missing tags, capitalizing names, etc.  We also sometimes add additional information if sections were left blank and we are able to find more info (this is an ongoing process where senior and admin level lolibrarians continuously add new information or additional images to existing listings across the site if information is found or submitted to us). To suggest or submit changes to existing entries, or to submit your own additional images, please see the Submitting Corrections guide.

If we have any questions about your entries, or important notes to pass along, we will try to contact you via the discord.

The item will then be published and go live on lolibrary. Congratulations! You will be able to see all of your submitted entries under the "My Items" filter on your dashboard, as well as appearing normally via the main site search. The dashboard filter is also a fun way of keeping track of the number of entries you have created, or for what brands. If you hit an exciting milestone, let us know in the Discord chat!