Lolita Secrets

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Lolita Secrets
Screenshot of Lolita Secrets homepage as of February 2012
Available inEnglish
FoundedApril 2007
Current statusClosed

Lolita Secrets was an English-language Livejournal community that hosted anonymously posted image macros in the style of confessions. Submissions and posting would happen on a weekly basis and spanned from opinions about brand releases and community drama to the poster's personal habits and feelings in the fashion.

The page described its concept as follows:

"This community is based off of PostSecret, how it works is very simple- you use MS Paint or any other graphics program to create a 'secret' about lolita fashion, whether it be you are secretly terrified of Novala or that you absolutely hate Moi Meme Moitie's winter line, this is where to post your secret!"[1]


The Lolita Secrets livejournal community was created on April 17, 2007[2], with its first posts happening shortly thereafter. Secrets would be submitted and screened by moderators according to the following rules before being posted in a weekly Sunday posting.

  • Secrets can be a maximum of 640x640 in size
  • Post your own secret, not anybody else's
  • Wank is kind of inevitable, because secrets are usually kept secrets for a reason, but please try and keep bitching to a minimum or else I will bring out the ban hammer.
  • Only secrets about Lolita and related fashions (aristocrat, dandy etc..) allowed.
  • Secrets about J-rockers/V-Kei artists are allowed, but only if they dress in lolita
  • Flaming is allowed, but no names are allowed, and if you use a picture, please obscure the face.
  • When using pictures of a person, obscure the face. Names aren't allowed. Userpics are fine. [3]

Lolita Secrets was also affiliated with the Lolita Valentines community, which was meant to be a positive, encouraging alternative to the main Secrets community.

"[I]t works something like loli_secret only in a  more positive way! make a graphic of some sort with text or something on it. it can be about someone you like, someone's accomplishments you think were pretty awesome, someone's super!behaviour, "i ♥ ---!!!", etc. creativity is totally welcome."[4]

In December 2011, following backlash and takedown notices for a recent secrets post, moderator robotkittenarmy formally stepped down [5], followed shortly thereafter by the remaining moderator team. Recruitment efforts for a new moderation team began in early January 2012 [6], but posts stopped around the same time, and the community was deleted and purged by the next year. An unaffiliated replacement community, Behind the Bows, was created January 17, 2010 and continued until March 26th, 2021 when they closed following changes made by LJ to anonymous commenting.[7] An unaffiliated replacement community, Beneath the Bows, was created March 29th, 2021 on dreamwidth.[8] However, this community was banned for violating dreamwidth's terms of service sometime between May 2022 and July 2023 (exact date unknown).[9]



  1. "Community Profile". Lolita Secrets. Archived from the original on Dec 13, 2011.
  2. "Community Profile". Lolita Secrets. Archived from the original on Dec 13, 2011.
  3. "Community Profile". Lolita Secrets. Archived from the original on Dec 13, 2011.
  4. "Community Profile". Lolita Valentines. Archived from the original on Jan 13, 2012.
  5. "Concerning the 241st Secrets Post". Lolita Secrets. Dec 27, 2011. Archived from the original on Jan 3, 2012.
  6. "New mods, and transitioning out of the comm". Lolita Secrets. Jan 2, 2012. Archived from the original on Jan 3, 2012.
  7. "Profile". Behind the Bows. Retrieved Jan 7, 2021.
  8. "Community Profile Beneath the Bows". Dreamwidth.
  9. "Suspended". Dreamwidth.
  10. "230th Secrets Post". Lolita Secrets. Oct 9, 2011. Archived from the original on Nov 15, 2011.
  11. "233rd Secrets Post". Lolita Secrets. Oct 30, 2011. Archived from the original on Nov 2, 2011.
  12. "229th Secrets Post". Lolita Secrets. Oct 2, 2011. Archived from the original on Nov 15, 2011.
  13. "14th Secrets Post". Lolita Secrets. Archived from the original|archive-url= requires |url= (help) on Sep 15, 2013. Missing or empty |url= (help)