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Revision as of 22:31, 21 December 2021 by Raine-dragon (talk | contribs) (brand criteria)
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A list of brands. This category may include brands that are not part of the lolibrary brand list.

Because of how brands are selected in lolibrary (via a drop down), we have a vested interest in keeping the list on lolibrary smaller, rather than larger, to make entering items more efficient (the faster we can list items, the more items we can list). This is why brands do not get added to the brand selector the moment their first item is added to lolibrary. A brand almost always qualifies for being marked as a brand in lolibrary when they have more than 200 items (8+ pages) of items. This is the point at which we have found that it becomes hard to browse just searching for the tag or the brand name.

A brand also qualifies for being marked as a brand in lolibrary when they meet several of the following criteria:

  1. Is the brand featured in the GLB, GLP or collections of lolita designer interviews?
  2. Is the brand historically significant?
  3. Does the Brand have physical managed storefronts
  4. Is the Brand specifically lolita? (For example, Hot Topic has stores, but they aren't a lolita brand)
  5. Is the quality on a level where it's comparable to other "brands" at the same price point?
  6. Is the brand widely owned by western lolita? [1]
  7. Does the brand make items that are "designed" and of a significant level of complexity? (ex: not just 100 different hot glued plastic shapes on ring bases)

Brands that don't qualify for brand status may qualify for getting a tag. Any brand which meets any of the following criteria is given a tag:

  1. Is the brand unsearchable?
  2. Does the brand have more than 2 pages (48 items) of results in lolibrary?
  3. Is this an artist that frequently collaborates with many brands and is highly regarded in the community?

Lolibrary is crowd sourced and volunteer driven so the number of items from any brand on lolibrary is not a reflection of how lolibrary views that brand, and being listed as a brand or given a tag is also primarily based on function, not popularity. Because of this, our brand or tag list may contain brands which have a single very dedicated fan entering items, but omit larger companies that don't have a fan entering their items.

  1. "An Informal Survey of Brand Reach". Crimson Reflections.